Physical characteristics and distribution

Body length: 60 – 90 cm
Weight: 10 – 20 kg
Life expectancy: up to 15 years
Distribution: Europe to East Asia
Habitat: forests
Species: not endangered


The badger is the largest marten in Central Europe. One of his characteristic features are the two black stripes, which extend over his actually white head from the nose over the eyes to the ears. His back fur is mottled gray brown and the belly side black. Because of his short legs, the shape of the badger looks quite stocky. Long claws serve to dig him, the head shape is cone-shaped and his small, round ears are slightly from the head.

Reproduction and development

The actual mating season is between July and August. However, the fertilized egg does not develop immediately, but undergoes a so-called dormancy. As a result, the two to four cubs are born only in February or March, although the actual gestation period is only about eight weeks. After birth, the animals are blind and have a thin, white coat, but the black spots are already easily recognizable. After about five weeks, the offspring opens its eyes for the first time and is nursed for about two months. Within a year, the boys are then sexually mature. The male offspring leave the parental building, the female, however, remain mostly and integrate their chambers to the existing construction.

Lifestyle and behavior

The badger is actually a twilight and nocturnal animal, but he also likes to bask once in the daytime before its construction. Badgers do not occupy a specific territory, but are nevertheless territorially bound and mark an area of ​​up to 150 hectares. In this territory, the badger lives in a family unit and has a life-long marriage with a partner. In large communities, they inhabit so-called “roof-bores”, which are dug into the forest floor. They consist of numerous chambers and tunnels and can be maintained and expanded over generations. In very cold months, the badger often stays in its structure for weeks and keeps hibernation. During this time he is eating from his fat stores eaten in the fall.


Badgers can be described as omnivores, but plants account for about two thirds of their food. They especially like to eat roots, fruits, seeds and mushrooms. But even small animals such as mice, insects, worms, snails and small reptiles are on their menu. Even young rabbits or birds breeding on the ground and their eggs are not spared by badgers. Basically, the search for food takes place in the dark. Since the sense of vision of the badgers is less pronounced, as with most post-active animals, he relies on his excellent sense of smell.

Hunting style, equipment and countries

The badger is common throughout Europe. Only in northern Scandinavia and in the tundra, he is not to be found. In the Alps it lives up to 2000 meters height. Badgers are usually hunted at the haunts and are often coincidence with the fox or sitting at the sowing sow. For the badger any hunting caliber is sufficient, the bellows is best in late autumn and should be shot with the small ball or full coat.

Hunting trip Countries

Central Europe


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